Letters to Innovators

Reading scientific articles is not something simple and pleasant, as we don’t always have time to read long texts full of technical terms. The attempt to use scientific texts by managers, entrepreneurs, consultants and other actors interested in the innovation of organizations usually implies access to many texts, characterizing a slow and fragmented reading. Another aspect to be highlighted is that scientific texts generally lack direction for actions, the main demand of practitioners who seek solutions to their many organizational challenges. These two arguments are pointed out by van Aken and Romme (2009) as the main reasons for the low use of scientific texts by practitioners. These limitations of the scientific literature motivated the development of this channel, which proposes to select and discuss in a clear and objective way, in the form of letters, the most recent and important scientific advances in the area of ​​Organizational Innovation. For this, we followed the publications of the main scientific journals in the area of ​​Innovation, selecting texts focused on organizational innovation. Once the texts of interest have been identified, we invite their authors or experts on the subject to write a letter exploring innovations from the perspective of practitioners, that is, managers. Our letters are pragmatic in nature, aiming at reflections or even direct application by practitioners. Thus, we update practitioners on new knowledge regarding organizational innovation, promoting their application in the organizational context, that is, facilitating the transposition of scientific invention to business innovation.

Target audience: administrators, entrepreneurs, consultants, professors and other actors interested in organizational innovation.

Interaction with the reading public: readers can use the Comments space to comment on each of the letters. The comments and, if necessary, the authors’ replies are published as Addendums to the letter, setting up an interactive environment for discussion and construction of ideas.
